EE1 - First English edition

Publisher: Wessel & Co.
Date: VI 1840
Plate number: W & Co.No. 3549.
Title: Sonate || Marche funèbre
Dedication: None

EE1 is based on a copy of FE2 with annotations (proofreading) by Chopin, it also bears clear traces of an editorial revision (see the 1st movement of the Sonata). Subtle, very characteristic for Chopin diversifications of cantilena in bar 45 and 49 constitute an irrefutable argument for Chopin's participation in the preparation of EE1. Among the other changes with respect to FE2, most probably coming from Chopin, one can mention:

  • addition of a dynamic hairpin in bars 17-18 and analog.;
  • addition of accents in bars 28-29 and 82-83;
  • change of the last quaver in the L.H. from d1 to f1 in bar 35 and 51;
  • addition of  grace notes in bar 36 and 52;
  • addition of a c2 grace note in bar 37 and 53;
  • addition of cresc. - - in bars 55-60.

A part of additions, mainly accidentals, comes most probably from the reviser, although addition of some of them by Chopin also cannot be excluded, e.g.: a  in bar 40. The changes performed in print should be counted as revisions, as most probably they were absent in the base text prepared by Chopin, e.g., change of the last quaver in the R.H. from a1 to c2 in bar 37 and 53.

In spite of Chopin's proofreading and revisions, not all mistakes and inaccuracies of EE1 were removed, e.g. G instead of F as the trilled minim in bar 20 and analog.

Original in: British Library, London
Shelf-mark: h.472.f.(4.)