EE1 - First English edition

Publisher: Wessel & Co.
Date: X 1837
Title: Douze Etudes || No. 16
Dedication: Made. la Comtesse d'Agoult

EE1 is based on a lost copy of A, reviewed and corrected by Chopin, so even the versions differing EE1 from the remaining manuscripts may be authentic (e.g., pedal in bar 8, value of crotchet in bar 27, dynamic indications in bar 31 and 54). In turn, nothing indicates a possibility of Chopin proofreading of EE1.

As far as the number of performance indications is concerned, the manuscript, serving EE1 as basis, can be situated between A and FC:

  • articulation and dynamic indications are compatible in EE1 with FC in bars 2-12 or 41-42, similarly pedalling in bars 25-26 and 46;
  • in bars 47-48, 50-53 and 55 no dynamic differences combines EE1 with A.

EE1 includes a number of inaccuracies in the notation of accidentals, generally obvious and partly probably adopted from the basis, e.g., in bar 81721-26. Comparison of A with FC indicates that in spite of deficiencies, the edition probably underwent a rough revision in this regard (e.g., in bars 23-26, 31 czy 33).

Original in: National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
Shelf-mark: Mus. Vol. 268 (1)