FC - Fontana's Copy

Date: ⇒VI 1837
Title: 4me Etude
Dedication: Mme la Csse d'Agoult

Copy prepared by Julian Fontana on the basis of A. Diligent and neat, it was reviewed, completed and corrected by Chopin. The deletions concern only the performance indications, in turn, in the text concerning the pitch and rhythm, one can see erasures (the broadest one concerns bar 43, in which the copyist mistakenly recopied bar 42). It seems natural to assume that the erasures are a trace of the copyist's auto-corrections, yet it does not have to be a rule without exceptions, which is proved by bar 24, in which the note on the 4th quaver in the L.H. is erased both in A and FC, which rather excludes the copyist as the author of this correction.

Among the three Stichvorlage manuscripts of this EtudeFC seems to be the most precisely refined by Chopin. The slurs in bars 21 and 27, hairpins and dynamic indications in bars 47-55 are only some of the examples of the indications added by Chopin exclusively in FC. Due to this reason, in mUltimate Chopin we consider this copy as a base source.

In the ending of the Etude (from bar 57), FC shows Chopin's work on a possibly precise indication of the fragment's aura. One can see a few introduced and deleted indications (their interpretation is vitiated by insecurity):

  • espressivo in bar 57, probably replaced with ,
  • calando (?) in bar 60, and poco rallentan - - - do above it reaching the 2nd half of bar 62,
  •   in bars 64-65.

As A – and most probably also the base text to EE – includes only these indications that in FC remained non-deleted, one can assume that in this fragment it is FC that become a Stichvorlage manuscript for Chopin, from which he then copied the results of his work to the remaining two.

Original in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warszawa
Shelf-mark: Mus 217