GE1 - First German edition

Publisher: Breitkopf & Härtel
Date: XI 1847
Plate number: 7714
Title: Trois Mazourkas
Dedication: Madame la Comtesse Laure Czosnowska

First German edition, based on a proof copy of FE1 prior to some corrections performed by Chopin. It is proven by bar 13, in which the composer changed a L.H. chord from g-d1-f1 to f-g-d1; however, he did it after another proof copy had already been sent to the German editor. Therefore, GE1 contains an earlier version of the chord – g-d1-f1

This edition bears traces of editorial revision (see characterisation of GE1 in Mazurka in B No. 1); however, nothing indicates that Chopin could have participated in its preparation.

In GE1 a few typical mistakes/oversights were committed:

  • the slur in bars 6-8 was overlooked,
  • in bar 16 a single bar line instead of a double bar line was placed,
  • two slurs in bars 19-22 were overlooked,
  • the slur in bar 56 was overlooked.

In bars 48-49 in GE1 (→GE2,GE3) it was probably due to revision that the tie to cwas removed, although it could have also been an oversight.

In entire Op. 63 in all impressions of GE, all long grace notes were arbitrarily changed to short, which in this Mazurka is evidenced by bars 9-14 and bars 41-49.

Original in: Zbiory prywatne (kolekcja Jana Ekiera), Warszawa
Shelf-mark: III.11