EEW - First English edition

Publisher: Wessel & Co.
Date: I 1848
Plate number: (W & Co. No. 6320.)
Title: Eleventh set of Mazurkas || No. 3
Dedication: Madame la Comtesse Laure Czosnowska

EEW was based on FE2. It was not corrected by Chopin, but bears traces of editorial revision.

The copy of EEW presented in mUltimate Chopin appeared on the market in late 1851, as indicated by the content of its serial title page.* There are copies – probably earlier – with an incomplete plate number (W. & Co, No.         ).

Revisions can be observed in two places:

  • in bar 16 the slur that was inaccurately engraved in FE2 was prolonged,
  • also in bar 16 a pedal release mark was added, overlooked by the engraver of FE or by Chopin himself in [A]. However, it was added in an unreasonable place, as far as the harmonic course is concerned.

in EEW the fingering in bar 7 was overlooked.

* Information based on the Annotated Catalogue Online.

Original in: University of Chicago Library, Special Collections Research Center
Shelf-mark: M32.C54 M582 c.1