FE2 - Corrected impression of FE1

Publisher: Maurice Schlesinger
Date: I-II 1842
Plate number: M. S. 3477
Title: Polonaise
Dedication: Madame la Princesse Charles de Beauvau née de Komar

Second impression of FE1 containing several generally obvious corrections and various additions, most probably coming not from Chopin. A comparison of both impressions of FE with the EE1 based on it allows us to determine that the correction, which resulted in FE2, most likely had two phases – the proof copy, which served as the basis for EE1, let us call it [FE2p], did not contain several corrections that therefore had to be added later. In total, the following changes were made to FE2 (those in bars 91, 100 and 31 belong to the second phase):

  • errors in pitch corrected in b. 8, 15, 91, 100,
  • prolonging dots added to the e3 quaver in b. 15, first R.H. octaves in b. 62-64,
  • errors in rhythm corrected in b. 29, 31, 50 (partly), 62,
  • a tie between the grace note and the bottom note of the subsequent octave added in b. 33,
  • accidentals added –  raising d to d in b. 41 and 300, d1 to d1 in b. 103-104d2 to d2 in b. 210, naturals raising g1(2) to g1(2) in b. 58-59 and 291-292, lowering c(1) to c(1) in b. 97, cautionary  to d2 in b. 63 and 296-297, naturals restoring d (cautionary?) in b. 295-296,
  • a slur between the R.H. grace notes and the L.H. crotchet added in b. 186.

In b. 311, a glaringly mistaken change was performed – a  raising e1 to e1 was added before the chord on the 2nd beat.

A number of errors still remained uncorrected:

  • missing naturals before the penultimate R.H. octave in (d3-d4) in b. 16,
  • a missing  raising C to C in b. 34d1 to d1 in b. 151g1 to g1 in b. 226,
  • surplus rhythmic values in b. 50,
  • missing naturals lowering g(1) to g(1) in b. 95-96,
  • a missing  restoring b1 in b. 172,
  • misrendered ties to b in b. 199-202,
  • a mistaken  instead of  in the trill's ending in b. 279,
  • a misplaced accent in b. 284.

The analysis, presented in the description of EE1, of mutual relations of this edition with FE also allows for quite accurate dating of FE2. When on 14 January 1842 Schlesinger signed a contract with Wessel in London (concerning op. 44-50), he still had copies of FE1 with him. Despite this, EE1 was prepared on the basis of the additionally sent [FE2p], so the shipment must have taken place soon after - on January 20, a press announcement described EE1 of the Polonaise as being "in the press". Schlesinger, on the other hand, would not have ordered the correction of FE1, had he no plans to publish the corrected version immediately, and since no copies of [FE2p] have survived, it was the finished FE2 which went to print. It can therefore be dated to February or even the last days of January.

Original in: Biblioteka Narodowego Instytutu Fryderyka Chopina, Warszawa
Shelf-mark: 6614/n