FE1 - First French edition

Publisher: Maurice Schlesinger
Date: XII 1837
Plate number: M.S. 2494
Title: Scherzo
Dedication: Mademoiselle Adèle de Furstenstein

FE1 is based on A and was twice proofread by Chopin, who, e.g. added a significant number of performance indications, partially compliant with the ones he had entered into FC. A copy of FE1 not including the last phase of proofreading served as Stichvorlage for EE.

FE1 was reissued already after the Schlesinger's company had been taken over by G. Brandus. The note text remained unchanged, yet the cover was modified and eventually completely changed:

  • ca. 1853 the name and address of the publisher was changed to Brandus et Cie Editeurs, 103, rue Richelieu and the price was increased to 9 francs;
  • since 1860s, the edition had been provided with a collective cover Édition originale, Oeuvres complètes.

We refer to the copies with the above covers as FE2.

Below the unquestionable results of Chopin's proofreading:

Below examples of results of Chopin's proofreading not included in EE:

  • change of the diatonic sequence to a chromatic one in b. 195,
  • addition of a  raising d1 to d1 in b. 306, naturals raising a2, a1, a to a2, a1, a in b. 541-543,
  • change of b2 to a2 in b. 450, f1 to f2 in b. 469A1 to B1 in b. 588b to c1 in b. 686.

In the case of some deviations of FE from the text of A, it is difficult to say whether we are dealing with a revision of the editor or with Chopin's proofreading or even with a mistake (or inaccuracy), e.g.:

  • addition of the L.H. slurs in b. 1-3,
  • addition of the overlooked octave signs in b. 9, 14-17 and 31-33,
  • addition of a  in b. 40, 209,
  • addition of a staccato dot in b. 41, 351, change of the dot to a wedge in b. 129, addition of a L.H. wedge in b. 165,
  • change of the double bar line to a single one in b. 48,
  • omission of the dynamic indications in b. 350-358 and 452-457,
  • addition of a tie of f in b. 392-393,
  • change of the rhythm in b. 394,
  • extension of the R.H. slur in b. 507-508, of the L.H. one in b. 531-532 and 535-536,
  • addition of a  in b. 631.

Last but not least, there is a number of places that contain mistakes, certainly or highly likely, e.g.:

FE replaced – after orchestral scores – the pairs of bars filled with rests with one double bar, with a two-bar rest.

Original in: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute Library, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: 2327/n