EE2 - Revised impression of EE1

Publisher: Wessel & Co
Date: ⇒1840
Plate number: W & Co. No. 2168.
Title: Scherzo
Dedication: Mademoiselle Adele de Furstentein

A corrected version of EE1, prepared relatively shortly afterwards. It introduced several dozen changes covering corrections of mistakes, including those repeated after FE1, and arbitrary changes. Some corrections are probably a result of comparison with an analogous place, e.g. lowering c3 to c3 in b. 493 and g2 to g2 in b. 494. However, it is not always clear what was being taken into account while reviewing the text, e.g. in b. 195 it could have been analogous b. 55, 63 and 187 or one of the continental editions (GE1 or finished FE1) and in b. 655 analogous b. 72 and 204 or GE1. In turn, while correcting the wrong b1 to b1 in b. 307, neither GE, containing the correct text (g1), nor analogous b. 409 were taken into consideration. On the other hand, the changes in b. 435 (addition of a  raising e2 to e2), 478 (addition of a  lowering e3 to e3) or 706 (addition of cautionary flats before g2-g3) are completely arbitrary.

Among the corrections of patent mistakes of EE1, one can mention:

  • addition of an octave sign in b. 262,
  • addition of  raising d1 to d1 in b. 306, d to d in b. 445,
  • the last quaver in b. 469 having been moved to the correct octave,
  • change of A1 to B1 in b. 588.

EE2 also introduced minor changes of ordering nature, e.g. the superfluous  before g1 was removed in b. 360 and 462, a cautionary  was added before d2 in b. 418.

Original in: National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
Shelf-mark: ESM 7/35 (7)