GE1 - First German edition

Publisher: Breitkopf & Härtel
Date: XI 1837
Plate number: 5852
Title: Scherzo
Dedication: Mademoiselle la Comtesse Adèle de Fürstenstein

GE1 is based on FC (see the characterization of that copy) and does not bear traces of Chopin's proofreading. In turn, a revision focused on ordering the notation of accidentals and performance indications, i.e. slurs, dots, accents, etc., typical for B&H publications, was performed therein.
The revisions cover:

  • Accidentals, e.g. addition of necessary ones in b. 40, 499, 541-543, addition of cautionary ones in b. 181, 316, 380 or 516-517, removal of unjustified ones in b. 470;
  • Change of the range of slurs, e.g. in b. 1 or 274-275;
  • Doubling indications in the L.H. part, e.g. slurs in b. 1-3 and analog. or 572-579 and 581-582, staccato dots in b. 5 and analog. or 573 and 575;
  • Additions of various elements of notation, considered overlooked mainly on the basis of a comparison with analogous situations, e.g. slur in b. 119-120249-250 or 532-533staccato dot in b. 154, ties of b-d1 in b. 348-349,
  • Other unifying changes, e.g. d to e in b. 273, extension of the slur in b. 497-498,
  • Corrections of patent mistakes present in FC, e.g. addition of octave signs in b. 9 and 14-17.

It is sometimes uncertain whether a given change is a revision or a mistake, e.g. in the case of the slur added in b. 114-115.

Numerous inaccuracies in the reproduction of the notation of FC were caused by certain routine habits of engravers, e.g. adjusting the length of slurs or dynamic hairpins to beams or certain metric structures, e.g. bars. A number of differences stems from ambiguities of the manuscript or from difficulties in the interpretation of marks Chopin used unconventionally: it mainly concerns long accents, which were interpreted either as common, short accents or  hairpins (see, e.g. b. 6-7, 14-15 and ana­log.). Frequently encountered inaccuracies also include omission of the dashes marking the range of indications, e.g. after cresc. in b. 72241 or 725.

GE1 also committed a number of mistakes, e.g.:

Original in: Jan Ekier private collection, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: A.9