GE3 - Second German edition
Publisher: | Fr. Kistner |
Date: | 1858 |
Plate number: | 2340|1020.1021.1022 |
Title: | Grand Concerto |
Dedication: | Monsieur Fréd. Kalkbrenner |
In GE3, developed almost 10 years after Chopin's death, the text of GE2 was subjected to a thorough revision, both substantive and graphic – division into pages and great staves was changed, slurs and other articulation markings were ordered, notation of accidentals was definitely revised.
A great number of the introduced changes are most probably accurate or at least justified corrections of mistakes and inaccuracies, e.g.:
- slurring in bars 13-16, 46-47, 127, 142-144, 161, 192-193, 197-202, 223-225 was changed and/or completed,
- the inaccurately placed
marks in bars 16 and 20 were moved,
- the erroneous slur in bar 39 was replaced with staccato dots,
- still missing accidentals were added, e.g. a
raising g1 to g
1 in bar 483,
- a number of cautionary accidentals was added, e.g. in bar 96, 215,
- superfluous markings were removed, e.g. naturals in bar 99,
- erroneous notes were corrected – b2 to a2 in bar 181, d
3 to f
3 in bar 302,
- pedalling in bars 206-208, 249, 252 was added,
- mutual alignment of parts of both hands in bar 253 was changed, which determined the ambiguous rhythm of the group of 7 quavers in the R.H.,
marks in bar 284, 286 and 299-301 were added.
In addition, however, changes that are less justified in terms of sources as well as even completely arbitrary ones were introduced, e.g.:
- the bottom note of the bass octave in bar 75 was changed to a grace note;
- fingering in bar 75, 179, 432 was added;
- inaccurate and incomplete slurs in bars 203-210 were removed;
- the beginnings of slurs in the figurational section of the development were unified, bar 408 and analog. (staccato dots to the pairs of semiquavers preceding the slurs were also added); a similar procedure – addition of a staccato mark and a later beginning of a slur – was applied in bar 99.
A number of mistakes was also committed, e.g.:
A few mistakes repeated after GE2 remained uncorrected, e.g. the missing returning f
1 at the end of bar 484.
In a few places, an abbreviated notation of repeated chords or tremolandi was introduced, e.g. in bars 26-35, 99-102 and 111-114, 156-172.
Original in: | Biblioteka Narodowa, Warsaw |
Shelf-mark: | Mus.III.109.314 |