FEFo - Forest copy
Publisher: | Maurice Schlesinger |
Date: | (VI 1833-III 1837) |
Plate number: | M S 1409 |
Title: | Concerto |
Dedication: | Monsieur F. Kalkbrenner |
A copy dedicated by Chopin to his pupil Adele Forest – "A Mlle Adele Forest de la part de l'Auteur. FFChopin" [To Miss Adele Forest from the Author. FFChopin]. Approximate dating is based on the following data*:
- In June-July 1833, hence when the Concerto had been just released, Miss Forest, passing through Paris with family, most probably took a few lessons with Chopin. Therefore, it cannot be excluded that it was already then that the composer gave this talented young pianist a copy of the recently published Concerto. There is also a possibility that over a dozen indications on fingering were added during first lessons with that piece.
- Chopin also had a few opportunities to give her that copy afterwards, e.g. during his stay in an estate of Mr and Mrs Forest (Adele's parents) at the turn of August and September 1833 or in subsequent years when the Forest family came to Paris, and she herself took further lessons with Chopin.
- The copy must have been given to Miss Forest prior to April 1837, since on 11 April she married Adolphe de Lauverjat.
FEFo contains over a dozen entries on fingering, generally very similar to Chopin's handwriting. The authenticity of those indications written in pencil is supported by a handwritten dedication and documented pedagogical contacts between Chopin and its addressee, hence we include them in the main text. The entries are present in the following bars: 141, 215-216, 294, 310, 315-317, 321, 416-417 and 434.
* Information after Sophie Ruhlmann's work, Chopin – Franchomme, in: "Chopin w kręgu przyjaciół" [Chopin in His Circle of Friends], book No. 2, Warsaw 1996, pp. 54-57.
Original in: | Pierpont Morgan Library, New York |
Shelf-mark: | Fuld (131135) |