FE1 - First French edition
Publisher: | Maurice Schlesinger |
Date: | VIII 1836 |
Plate number: | M.S. 1940 |
Title: | Second Concerto |
Dedication: | Madame la Comtesse Delphine Potocka née de Komar |
FE1 encompassed the Concerto in a version for solo piano and orchestral parts sold optionally. The present characterization, as well as all the detailed notes, pertain, with only few exceptions, to the version for one piano, consisting of the solo piano part and the authentic piano reductions of the orchestra sections (Tutti).
FE1 was based on a proof copy of GE1, not including the last retouches. Possible examples of such situations are, e.g. differences in slurring in bars 11-12 (the slur of the R.H.) or bars 14-15 (the slur of the L.H.).
Chopin certainly proofread FE1, which, however, does not mean that each accurate change of the version of GE1 should be attributed to his intervention – minor, obvious corrections of notation of accidentals could have been the work of revision. Unequivocal and possible Chopin corrections encompass, among others:
removal of a
1 from the chord on the 3rd beat and correction of the Terzverschreibung error in the last chord in bar 20,
- correction of the Terzverschreibung error in bar 29,
change of the b
1 semiquaver to b
1 and addition of c
1 on the 3rd and 5th quaver in the L.H. in bar 41,
addition of flats restoring d
and d
1 in bar 65,
- addition of the fingering of the 1st chord in bar 77,
- change of demisemiquavers to hemidemisemiquavers in bar 77 and 80,
- change of the shape of the melody on the 3rd beat and change of the last chord in the L.H. in bar 80,
- addition of a note to the roulade in bar 81,
- addition of a second grace note in bar 85,
- addition of appassionato in bar 89,
- addition of c2 to the chord at the beginning of bar 93.
In spite of extensive proofreading, FE1 contains a significant number of pitch, chromatic and other kind of mistakes, including those repeated after GE1, e.g.:
oversight of
in bar 1,
in bar 47,
lowering d1 to d
1 in bar 2,
- erroneous correction of rhythm in bar 6,
- erroneous c1 in the chord in bar 8,
lowering f to f
in bar 10,
no naturals restoring f3(2) in bar 22 and
restoring a
2 in bar 23,
- Terzverschreibung error in the 2nd grace note in the middle of bar 28,
- oversight of the accent in bar 36,
restoring d
2 in bar 40,
- wrong clef and note in the L.H. in bar 43,
1 second instead of d
1 in bar 83.
Original in: | Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris |
Shelf-mark: | Ac.p.2675 |