FC - Fontana's Copy

Date: ⇒VI 1837
Title: 6me Etude
Dedication: Mme la Csse d'Agoult

Copy performed by Julian Fontana on the basis of [A]. The manuscript is very neat, with a minor number of deletions and other corrections (modifications, e.g., in bar 33, erasure, e.g., in bar 12). Some of them are most probably traces of the copyist's auto-correction, yet Chopin undoubtedly completed and corrected FC. The composer's interventions undoubtedly include:

  • deletion of molto from the indication of tempo in bar 1; 
  • shift of  signs over the top stave in bar 34;
  • addition of pedalling in bars 46-47;
  • change of sotto voce to  in bars 61-62.

A more accurate examination, however, shows a certain number of errors, sometimes flagrant, e.g., in bar 5 or 63), as well as numerous inaccuracies: inaccurately written notes (e.g., in bars 15 or 42), lack of slur in bar 30, probably misinterpreted  as  in bar 47, misplaced and omitted fingering digits in bar 59.

In FC we find a significant group of inaccuracies in the notation of accidentals, probably adopted from [A]. One can mention here, among others, absence of signs in the further part of bar 4 and analog., too late placed  in bar 12, overlooked sharps in bars 17-18 and 34, lack of  in bar 31, lack of a few naturals in bars 47-48. B1 in bar 49 is most probably a repetition of the mistake of [A].

Original in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: Mus 217