FE1 - First French edition

Publisher: Maurice Schlesinger
Date: X 1837
Title: Etudes || 7me Étude
Dedication: Madame la Comtesse d'Agoult

It was a manuscript (lost) that was the basis for FE1, close to GC, yet clearly independent in numerous details (e.g., rhythm in bars 4, 8, 12, ten. indications in bars 18-19, lack of the g note in bars 26 and 52, flats lowering g1 to g1 in bars 38-39, slurs in bars 60-62). According to us, it was most probably an autograph, corrected and completed by Chopin.

FE1 was certainly corrected by Chopin, which is proved by visible traces of this kind of corrections, which could have been ordered only by the composer, e.g., in this Etude deletion of four b1 in bar 25, change of to in bar 27, change of rhythm in bar 32, change of dynamics in bar 44, deletion of e1 in bar 66. Chopin's intervention can be also suspected in the case of, e.g., the  sign in bars 25-26 or ten. in bar 42.

FE1 lacks numerous necessary accidentals, which almost certainly corresponds to the notation of the base text. For example, in bar 24 there is no  before g and  before a, whereas in bar 39 there are no naturals lowering c(1) to c(1). Some of deficiencies seem to be a fault of the engraver, e.g., lack of the  lowering g2 to g2 at the beginning of bar 27. 

Original in: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
Shelf-mark: Rés. F. 1580