EE1 - First English edition

Publisher: Robert Cocks & Co
Date: 21 V 1851
Plate number: 9727
Title: Sonata
Dedication: None

First English edition, based on a GE1 copy without last retouches (see mov. IV, bar 225). The text of the basis was developed by Brinley Richards (he added, among others, numerous fingering digits). Nevertheless, EE1 contains numerous inaccuracies and mistakes; for example, the following were overlooked:

The in bar 21 and the ending of the slur in bar 37 were inaccurately reproduced.

Certain patent mistakes of the basis, e.g. overlooked accidentals – a  to d1 in bar 15 or a  to b1 in bar 28, were left uncorrected.

The revisions introduced by EE1 include:

  • writing in full the abbreviations of performance markings – molto instead of molt' in bar 1leggiero instead of leggier. in bar 21;
  • adding a  asterisk in bar 35.
Original in: University Library, Cambridge
Shelf-mark: Mus. 2.22.(24)