IE1 - First Italian edition

Publisher: Jean Ricordi
Date: 15 VI 1851
Plate number: S 23298 S
Title: Grande Sonate
Dedication: None

First Italian edition, based on a GE copy without last retouches – see mov. IV, bar 225.

In IE1 certain inaccuracies were committed when reproducing the basis, e.g. long accents or  hairpins were extended (bar 11 or 27). Some GE mistakes were also repeated, e.g. the missing  to d1 in bar 15,  restoring b1 in bar 28, restoring d in bar 40

Arbitrary changes were introduced as well, both justified, e.g. adding a  in bar 35, and wrong, e.g. changing quavers to semiquavers in bar 33.

Original in: Conservatorio di Musica Giuseppe Verdi, Milan
Shelf-mark: I-A-130-8