FE1 - First French edition

Publisher: S. Richault
Date: 26 V 1851
Plate number: 10 868. R.
Title: Grande Sonate
Dedication: None

First French edition, based on a GE1 copy without last retouches – see mov. IV, bar 225. In FE1 a number of the basis's mistakes and inaccuracies were corrected; however, new errors appear as well. Moreover, certain arbitrary changes and additions were introduced.

The corrections of GE defects include:

  • Adding the accidentals omitted by Chopin – a  in bar 15, a  in bar 40. However, the missing  restoring b1 in bar 28 remained unnoticed.
  • Correcting the ambiguous slurs between bars 23-24 (incompatible with the A notation).

FE1 own mistakes include the overlooked  sign in bar 35.

The revisions introduced by FE1 concern mainly articulation, including slurs, and accidentals, e.g.:

  • the range of dynamic hairpins was changed (generally slightly), e.g. in bar 1, 21;
  • the slur in bar 26 was lifted and extended, thus changing it into a tie;
  • quavers were changed to semiquavers in bar 33.

In the case of smaller changes concerning slurs or dynamic hairpins, one can assume both revision and the engraver's inaccuracy.

Original in: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
Shelf-mark: Vm12 5565