
GE1 - First German edition

Publisher: Charles Haslinger quondam Tobie
Date: VII 1851
Plate number: T.H.8147.
Title: Grande Sonate
Dedication: Monsieur Joseph Elsner

First German edition, based on A. Numerous revisions were made here, with the addition of accidentals and also – fewer in number – signs of articulation and dynamics. Some alterations go beyond the typical scope of editorial revision (e.g. mvt. IV, bars 7 & analog., 103), but none of them can be authentic, since Chopin – as he clearly stated in a letter written in 1845 – did not correct the proofs sent to him a few years earlier, and the fact that the work was not published until after his death shows that he did not change his mind after writing that letter.

Original in: Jan Ekier private collection, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: A.1