Issues : Errors of GC

b. 183

composition: Op. 38, Ballade in F major

1 accent in GC (→GE)

5 accents in EE


The omitted accents in both GC (→GE) and EE most probably result from inadvertence. Having completed copying notes and beams from an additional staff in A, the copyist might have looked at the main staff on which only the accent above the octave a-a1 is written.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors of GC

b. 183-184

composition: Op. 38, Ballade in F major

b-g1 tied in A (→FE) & GE3

b-g1 repeated in GC (→GE1GE2)

Only g1 tied in EE


The ties sustaining the sixth b-g1 were overlooked – both in GC (→GE1GE2), the lower one in EE. The mistake was corrected in GE3, possibly after FE.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in EE , GE revisions , Errors of GC

b. 183

composition: Op. 38, Ballade in F major

e1 in A (→FE,EE)

f1 in GC (→GE)

e1 with  suggested by the editors


The version with f1 occurring in GC (→GE) is certainly mistaken – in the copy the note in question was not changed from the A version, and there is no clear reason for this bar to differ from the analogous bar 179. In the main text we add a cautionary  before that e1.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: Errors of GC

b. 183

composition: Op. 35, Sonata in B♭ minor, Mvt II

d1 in GC (→GE) & FE

d1 in EE


The version with d1 (=e1) is probably erroneous – situations in which there is no sign, cancelling the previous alteration, belong to the most frequently encountered inaccuracies of Chopin's notation. Moreover, it is likely that the composer rectified his mistake, while correcting the base text to EE. Adding a cautionary  before c1 is a poorly justified revision of GE2.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: Errors in FE , Omissions to cancel alteration , Errors in GE , GE revisions , Errors of GC , Authentic corrections of EE

b. 186

composition: Op. 38, Ballade in F major

Last semiquaver e1-e2 in A (→FE,EE) & GE3

f1-f2 in GC (→GE1GE2)


The version in GC (→GE1GE2) is undoubtedly mistaken – cf. the previous bar. The error was corrected only in GE3.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: Errors of GC