b. 588
composition: Op. 31, Scherzo in B♭ minor
In EE1 the bottom note of the L.H. crotchet is an erroneous A1. The mistake was initially also in FE, in which, however, it was corrected during the proofreading, perhaps by Chopin's orders. The mistake was also rectified in EE2 (→EE3). category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources issues: EE revisions , Authentic corrections of FE , Errors repeated in EE |
b. 588-620
composition: Op. 31, Scherzo in B♭ minor
Differently than in the two previous appearances of this theme (b. 5-37 and 137-169), in b. 588, 596, 612 and 620 there are no wedges at all in A. In turn, Chopin twice introduced separate marks for the L.H., which we consider to be determinant for the entire fragment. The use of double marking could have been related to the presence of longer, tied notes in the preceding motifs. The same unification was introduced in GE, whereas the notation of FC and FE (→EE) has to be regarded as inaccurate or erroneous. category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions issues: Errors in FE , GE revisions , Wedges , Inaccuracies in FC |
b. 589-596
composition: Op. 39, Scherzo in C♯ minor
No pedalling in these bars in EE is most probabbly a trace of the original version of this part. category imprint: Differences between sources |
b. 589
composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I
Both notations are almost equivalent; however, in exposition Chopin changed the former to the latter, formally less strict yet simpler and thus more explicit, in several dozen bars (see bars 257-263). In the further part of recapitulation, it is also the latter that prevails; hence we consider this place an example of an overlooked proofreading of an analogous place and we include the change introduced in GE in the main text. See also bars 601-603. category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions issues: GE revisions , Omitted correction of an analogous place |
b. 589-590
composition: Op. 31, Scherzo in B♭ minor
In accordance with the analysis of the Chopinesque or marks in this and analogous pairs of bars (see b. 6-7), in the main text we give an averaged, more or less one-bar hairpin. According to us, all hairpins, regardless of their actual length, are to be interpreted as long accents. category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions issues: Long accents , Inaccuracies in GE , GE revisions , EE inaccuracies |