GE1 - First German edition

Publisher: Breitkopf & Härtel
Date: X 1837
Title: Douze Etudes || 5me Etude
Dedication: Madame la Comtesse d'Agoult

GE1 is based on FC and it generally carefully reproduces the text of the base text, including some of the mistakes and inaccuracies, e.g., in bars 36 and 86 – see the characteristics of FC. The differences can be generally explained with a mistake, inaccuracy or manner of the engraver, e.g.:

  • an erroneous value (148) in the metronome tempo indication at the beginning of the Etude;
  • erroneous note in bar 14 – c3 instead of b2;
  • extended dynamic hairpins in bars 25-26;
  • simplified notation in the L.H. in bar 35
  • missing slur in bar 70.

Editorial revisions certainly include:

  • addition of cautionary accidentals in bars 3, 8, 11 and analog.;
  • addition of rests in the L.H. in bars 49-57 and analog., in bars 86-87 a mistake was committed, by adding two rests after the minims;
  • extension of the range of cresc. in bars 70-72;
  • addition of necessary accidentals, e.g., a  raising b to b in bar 92;
  • omission of the slur in the L.H. in bar 123.

See also GE1a and GE1b.

Original in: Biblioteka Uniwersytetu Mikołaja Kopernika, Toruń
Shelf-mark: IV 120/1