EE2 - Revised impression of EE1a

Publisher: Wessel & Co.
Date: (1856-1860)
Plate number: (W & Co. No. 3099.)
Title: Twenty four Grand Préludes
Dedication: Camille Pleyel

EE2 introduced small amendments to the text of EE1:

  • a mistaken  before the penultimate semiquaver in bar 3 was changed for a ;
  • the omitted slurs in bars 1-2, 5 and 15 were added.

Some revisions were introduced on the basis of a comparison with GE1 – rhythmic values in the irregular groups in bars 8 and 12 were changed from semiquavers to demisemiquavers.

The copy presented in mUltimate Chopin dates from around 1868 – see Prelude in D, no. 15.

Original in: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute Library, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: 2013/n