GE2 - Second German edition

Publisher: Schuberth & Comp.
Date: 1842
Title: Tarantelle
Dedication: None
The second #GE originates most probably from 1842, as some of the errors found in #GE1 and pointed out in Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung of February 1842 (in bars 7, 16 and 17) were then corrected. In GE2 many edits and revisions were introduced to #GE1, e.g. a wrongly written sound in RH was corrected in b. 149 and d1 crotchet was dotted in b. 151. There were also some arbitrary revisions made, e.g. a slur insertion in bars 50-51. However, most of the missing accidentals were not added, cf. bars 22 and 27.
Original in: Biblioteka Jagiellońska, Kraków
Shelf-mark: 10278 III Mus