FE - French edition
GE - German edition
Filiacja źródeł
The above scheme illustrates a situation in which Chopin was gradually making corrections to the subsequent proof copies of FE, as a result of which the Stichvorlage of each of the subsequent editions – EE1, GE1 & FE1 – was a copy including an ever-increasing range of proofreading (in the last stage of proofreading, changes were introduced to the Polonaise only). Another possibility – see the scheme in the Polonaise – would be GE1, FE1 and EE1 using identical proof copies, [FE0], as a direct Stichvorlage, out of which two were provided with an additional set of Chopin's corrections.
Principles adopted for the main text
of Andante spianato from Op. 22
Our principal source is FE as the only authentic source. We take into account the Chopinesque annotations in FED.
A precise differentiation between short and long accents, typical of Chopin, and their assignment to the right or left hand is impossible due to the lack of autograph and due to the visible inaccuracies of the first editions. We try to reproduce the composer's intention by taking into consideration his habits in this respect, documented through sources in other compositions.