FE1 - First French edition

Publisher: Maurice Schlesinger
Date: X 1837
Title: Etudes || 12me Étude
Dedication: Madame la Comtesse d'Agoult

The base text for FE1 was a manuscript (lost), close to FC, yet clearly independent from it in some details (e.g., range of dynamic hairpins in bars 7-8, accents in bars 76-80, pedalling in bars 77-80). According to us, it was probably an autograph, corrected and completed by Chopin.

FE1 was certainly corrected by Chopin, which is proved by visible traces of this kind of corrections, which could have been ordered only by the composer, e.g., in this Etude deletion of accents on the 11th and 15th semiquavers in bars 16, 24 and 72.

FE1 is not free from errors, e.g., the  time signature instead of f1 instead of a1 in bar 11. An error can be also the  raising a to a in bar 8.

Original in: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
Shelf-mark: Rés. F. 1580