FC - Fontana's Copy

Date: ⇒VI 1837
Title: 12me Etude
Dedication: Mme la Csse d'Agoult

A copy performed by Julian Fontana on the basis of [A]. Neat and clear, it was reviewed, completed and corrected by Chopin. Quite numerous deletions concern generally performance indications (e.g., indication of tempo, bars 15 and 17, accents in bars 18-19 and analog. – see below), in turn, in the pitch and rhythmic text, one can see also erasures, e.g., in bars 42-43. The metronome tempo, same as in the great majority of the Etudes, was added in pencil, undoubtedly in the last phase of corrections and additions.

This Etude does not include many significant differences between the sources. The majority of the corrections visible in FC were introduced also in other Stichvorlage manuscripts. It is the accents in the fragments using a two-bar scheme of passages, hence in bars 15-16 and analog., that were developed relatively most accurately and, according to us, in the most considerate manner.

In this Etude we consider FC to be the basic source.

Original in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: Mus 217