EE1 - First English edition
Publisher: | Robert Cocks & Co |
Date: | 21 V 1851 |
Plate number: | 9727 |
Title: | Sonata |
Dedication: | None |
First English edition, based on a copy of GE1 without the final alterations (see bar 225). The base text was edited (with the addition of abundant fingering, i.a.) by Brinley Richards. Despite this, EE1 contains a considerable number of errors and inaccuracies, the most striking of which in our opinion is the printing of the text from bar 225 in bar 224. The remaining defects are mainly numerous oversights; the following elements were omitted, among others:
- the initial indications, FINALE, Presto and the metronome markings in bar 1;
- 7 out of 9 arpeggios in bars 2-8;
- accidentals in bar 5, 193, 236, 378;
- hairpin in bar 71;
- the tie to g in bar 99, four ties to the chord in bars 323-324;
- staccato marks in bar 125, 146, 216-217;
- slurs in bars 183-184, 239;
- two bottom notes of the minim chord in bar 325.
In many places, accents were reproduced inaccurately, e.g. in bars 40-42 & 44-46 or 179.
The other mistakes include:
- f1 instead of g1 in the L.H. chord in bar 71;
- e instead of d in the L.H. chord in bar 105;
- instead of before the last quaver in bar 158.
EE1 revisions concern mainly accidentals, e.g. the unnecessarily repeated before f1 in bar 115 was omitted; a flat lowering g1 to g1 in bar 156 was added. Moreover, an accidental was added in bar 136, as well as 238. The additions regarding performance markings are less numerous, e.g. wedges and slurs in bar 364.
Original in: | University Library, Cambridge |
Shelf-mark: | Mus. 2.22.(24) |