EE1 - First English edition

Publisher: Robert Cocks & Co
Date: 21 V 1851
Plate number: 9727
Title: Sonata
Dedication: None

First English edition, based on a GE1 copy without the last retouches (see mov. IV, bar 225). The text of the basis was developed by Brinley Richards (adding, among others, abundant fingering). Nevertheless, EE1 contains a significant number of inaccuracies and mistakes, the most critical occurring in bars 9-10, in which in the L.H. part the text of bars 8-9 was printed by mistake, which impedes the reproduction of the correct text. Moreover, the following were omitted, e.g.:

  • slurs in bar 3 and 76;
  • signs ('segno') in bar 6, indicating the beginning of the repeated fragment of the Minuet;
  •  in bar 7 and 8,  in bar 8;
  • staccato marks in bar 12 and 17;
  • accents in bar 19 and 21, as well as 66;
  •   hairpins in bars 9-10 and 49-51;
  • tie to f1 in bars 71-72.

The metronome marking erroneously reads 80 instead of 60. At the beginning of the bottom stave in bar 25 a bass clef was printed by mistake (in place of a treble clef). The omission (by Chopin) of the  to a1 in bar 28 was left uncorrected as well.

The revisions introduced by EE1 include:

  • adding a  asterisk in bar 13;
  • omitting the staccato dot at the beginning of bar 77 (unless it is an oversight).
Original in: University Library, Cambridge
Shelf-mark: Mus. 2.22.(24)