GE1 - First German edition

Publisher: Charles Haslinger quondam Tobie
Date: VII 1851
Plate number: T.H.8147.
Title: Grande Sonate
Dedication: None

First German edition, based on A. It contains numerous revisions, concerning mainly accidentals and – to a lesser extent – articulation and dynamic markings. Chopin did not participate in the development of GE1 – see the description of this edition in mov. I of the Sonata.

In GE1 the majority of the defects concerning the accidentals were corrected by adding the omitted accidentals both in obvious situations (e.g. in bars 5-6, 24, 28) and more or less problematic ones (e.g. in bar 52). Cautionary accidentals were also added, generally justified, e.g. in bar 15 or 64.

A number of changes and additions concerning slurs were introduced. However, they cannot be clearly evaluated, since A slurs are often inaccurate, yet in this movement the changes and additions in this respect seem wrong or unnecessary, e.g. in bars 2-4, 11, 33 and 35 or 76.

In GE1 numerous mistakes were also committed, e.g. the following elements were omitted: the  in bar 14, accent in bar 23staccato dots in bar 3 and 10, wedge in bar 30.

There are certain situations in which it is unclear whether a given element was omitted due to a mistake or a revision – the  hairpin in bar 31, the R.H. slur in bars 31-32.

Original in: Jan Ekier private collection, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: A.1