FE1 - First French edition

Publisher: S. Richault
Date: 26 V 1851
Plate number: 10 868. R.
Title: Grande Sonate
Dedication: None

First French edition, based on a GE1 copy without the last retouches – see mov. IV, bar 225. In FE1 certain mistakes and inaccuracies of the basis were corrected, yet new mistakes were also committed. Some arbitrary changes and additions were introduced as well.

A GE defect was corrected by adding a  in bar 28, overlooked by Chopin.

Among FE1 own mistakes, one should mention the overlooked  in bar 8 and the slur in bar 27.

The arbitrary revisions introduced by FE1 concern mainly articulation, including slurs, e.g.:

  • the starting point of the slurs in bars 54-55 was moved by a crotchet;
  • staccato dots were added in bars 34-36.

Moreover, the  mark in bar 15 was moved.

Original in: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
Shelf-mark: Vm12 5565