EE2 - Corrected impression of EE1

Publisher: Robert Cocks & Co
Date: (VII 1851-1852)
Plate number: 9727
Title: Sonata
Dedication: None

In EE2 the serious mistake in bars 9-10 was corrected, as well as some of the EE1 oversights by adding:

  • slurs in bar 3 (inaccurately) and 76;
  • signs ('segno') in bar 6, indicating the beginning of the repeated fragment of the Minuet.

In bar 7 2  marks were added in place of the  marks omitted in EE1. In bar 25 the erroneous clef at the beginning of the great stave was corrected. 

Original in: National Library of Scotland, Edinburgh
Shelf-mark: Mus. Vol. 340 (13)