FE1 - First French edition

Publisher: Maurice Schlesinger
Date: XII 1837
Plate number: M. S. 2489
Title: Quatre Mazurkas
Dedication: Madame la Princesse de Wurtemberg née Princesse Czartoryska

FE1 was based on the lost autograph [A] and was corrected by Chopin, although the only way to say whether we are dealing with Chopin's correction in [A] after FC had already been finished or with actual proofreading of FE would be the presence of visible traces of corrections, which are basically absent in this opus, among others, due to the small number of preserved copies.

In this Mazurka we consider the following to be possible corrections:

  • added staccato dots in bars 2-4 and 10-12,
  • in tempo added in bar 37,
  • slurs added in bar 53.
Original in: The Fryderyk Chopin Institute Library, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: 6596/n