FES - Stirling copy

Publisher: Maurice Schlesinger
Date: 1844-1849
Plate number: M. S. 2489
Title: Quatre Mazurkas
Dedication: Madame la Princesse de Wurtemberg née Princesse Czartoryska

A copy of #FE2 from the collection of Chopin's pieces belonging to his pupil, Jane Stirling. It contains fingering (written by the hand of his pupil Thomas Tellefsen*) in bar 16, 21, 24-25 and 27 and  in bar 5. There are no grounds to question the Chopinesque origin of these markings.

* Ascertained by Jean-Jacques Eigeldinger, Chopin vu par ses élèves, Paris 2006, p. 254.

Original in: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
Shelf-mark: Rés. Vma 241 (IV,30)