CGS - Copy by George Sand

Date: (VIII 1839-1854)
Title: [Prélude]
Dedication: None

Copy made by George Sand (photocopy in: Korespondencja Chopina z George Sand i jej dziećmi, ed. K. Kobylańska, Warsaw 1981), the third of six Preludes copied by the novelist in an extensive album containing pieces by various composers, written by different persons. CGS was most probably prepared on the basis of FE2, like the remaining Preludes from this album, although in this Prelude there are no visible differences significant enough to reject this assumption nor similarities that could confirm it:

  • the differences can be easily explained by the copyist's inaccuracy – no detailed pedal markings (only  at the beginning of the piece), all ties are missing.
  • characteristic similarities concern FE to the same extent as A – superfluous  before g1 in b. 6, no  restoring a1 in b. 13.

Dating – see the Prelude in A minor no. 2.

Original in: Pivate collection
Shelf-mark: None