Issues : Inaccuracies in FE

b. 105-117

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I

3 long accents in Atut

3 short accents in FE (→EE)

2 short accents in GE


We give the long accents in bars 105, 107 and 117 after Atut. In the editions, they were reproduced as short ones, whereas in GE, the mark in bar 105 was overlooked.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Long accents , Inaccuracies in FE , Errors in GE

b. 123-125

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I

repeated in Atut

e tied in FE (→GE,EE)


The ties of the bass note were added, certainly by Chopin, in the proofreading of FE (→GE,EE). In bar 124, opening a new line of text, in FE, there is no ending of the tie from the previous bar, which is a common mistake in the case of ties without influence on the understanding of notation.  

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in FE , Authentic corrections of FE

b. 130

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I

Long accent in Atut

Short accent in FE (→GE,EE)

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Long accents , Inaccuracies in FE

b. 145-146

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I

Slur in FE (literal reading→GE1GE2)

Slur in FE, possible interpretation

Tie to  f1 in EE & GE3


In the main text, we give the interpretation of the curved line of FE (→GE1GE2) adopted in EE and GE3. The Chopinesque manner of writing ties as short curved lines reaching the prolonging note would frequently result in their erroneous interpretation. However, other possibilities cannot be excluded – the curved line in the autograph could have been led over the top voice, since moving slurs to the side of note heads was a routine procedure, frequently applied by engravers.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Inaccuracies in FE , GE revisions

b. 149

composition: Op. 11, Concerto in E minor, Mvt I


In FE, there is no  raising d1 to d1, which must be considered an inaccuracy, since dpreviously appeared only on the bottom stave. The mark was added in GE and EE, whereas in the latter, a  was repeated also before d2.

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Accidentals in different octaves , Inaccuracies in FE , GE revisions , Omission of current key accidentals