Graphic ambiguousness
Interpretations within context
Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
Corrections & alterations
Source & stylistic information
Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Verbal indications
Shorthand & other

b. 82-83

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise

No slurs in FE (→GE)

3 slurs in EE

2 slurs suggested by the editors


In the context of b. 78-79, the missing slurs in FE (→GE) must be an inaccuracy of the engraver of FE or of Chopin himself. In the main text we suggest adding them in the form adopted 4 bars earlier. The slurs were also added in EE

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: EE revisions

b. 82-83

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise

No marks in FE (→GE,EE)

2 accents suggested by the editors


Just like in the case of the slurs, we consider the accents to be an indispensable element of careful notation, since it is difficult to assume that the performance of these motifs should differ from their counterparts, i.e. b. 78-79.

category imprint: Editorial revisions

b. 83

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise

Wedge in FE (→EE)

No mark in GE


The missing wedge in GE is most probably the engraver's oversight.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Errors in GE

b. 84

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise

b2-d3-b3 in sources

g3-b3-g4 suggested by the editors


According to us, there is no doubt that Chopin was forced to abandon the action of moving the chord an octave higher, which is pianistically natural and typical of virtuoso cadenza formulas – cf. b. 80 – only due to the limited range of the piano.

category imprint: Editorial revisions

b. 85-89

composition: Op. 22, Polonaise

Long accents suggested by the editors


According to us, there is a high probability that Chopin meant the accents in b. 85 and 87-89 to be long. Long notes constitute a typical context for these marks, cf., e.g. the Concerto in F Minor, Op. 21, I mov., b. 125-126.

category imprint: Editorial revisions