Issues : GE revisions

b. 249

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I

g2 in A & FE (→EE)

g1 in GE


The erroneous pitch of the 2nd semiquaver in GE is a consequence of the imprecise notation of the end of the octave sign embracing the first two semiquavers in this bar in A (and the last four of the previous one). In GE1 the notation was reproduced too literally (erroneously), not taking into account both the graphical context and analogous figures in the next bars. The mistake was not repeated in FE (→EE), although the notation of EE is not entirely clear. In turn, the misunderstanding of Chopin's intention in GE2 is puzzling, in which the erroneous pitch of the discussed note was repeated, although the notation does not include an octave sign.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources

issues: Errors in GE , GE revisions , EE inaccuracies

b. 249

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I

Slurs in A & GE2

Slurs in GE1 (→FEEE)


The clearly erroneous slurs of GE1 (→FEEE) were corrected in GE2 after A.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in GE , GE revisions

b. 249-250

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I

6 staccato dots in A

12 dots in GE (→FEEE)


In the main text we preserve the notation of A, in which only every second quaver in the L.H. was provided with staccato dots. Therefore, the signs also designate delicate accents, which partly disappeared in the version of the editions.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions

b. 250

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I


In the main text we omit the  present in A (→GE1FEEE) before the 1st note in the 2nd half of the bar. The unnecessarily repeated sign was removed in GE2.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions , Cautionary accidentals

b. 252-253

composition: Op. 21, Concerto in F minor, Mvt I

No marks in A & FE (→EE)

Staccato dot in GE1

3 dots in GE2


An additional staccato dot in GE1 seems to be a mistake, since it is absent in A (cf. bars 249-250). On the other hand, it is the last bar on the page in A, which fosters the appearance of inaccuracies, hence it cannot be excluded that Chopin forgot a dot or dots. The dot is absent in FE (→EE), which may be explained by a mistake, this time of the engraver of FE, by its removal by Chopin in FE or by its addition in the last phase of proofreading of GE1, not included in FE (according to us, Chopin's proofreading is highly unlikely). In this uncertain situation, in the main text we give the version of A, yet the version of GE1 (and even of GE2) may be regarded as potentially corresponding to Chopin's idea.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: Inaccuracies in GE , Inaccuracies in FE , GE revisions