The erroneous pitch of the 2nd semiquaver in GE is a consequence of the slightly inaccurate notation of A, in which the first two semiquavers in this bar and the last four in the previous one are written with an octave sign, ended with the word "loco" (cf. General Editorial Principles, p. 6). The left-hand end of the diagonal 'l' letter beginning the word falls over the 2nd semiquaver, in spite of the fact that the entire word is valid only from the third one, since Chopin certainly considered the end of the wavy line embracing the transferred fragment of the text, combining with the top – right-hand side – part of that letter, to be the end of the octave sign. In turn, the engraver of GE1 took into account the beginning of the word and not the end of the line, which resulted in an erroneous exclusion of the 2nd semiquaver from the influence of the octave sign.
The mistake was not repeated in FE (→EE), although the notation of EE is not entirely clear. In turn, the misunderstanding of Chopin's intention in GE2 is puzzling; the notation of GE1 (with the octave sign) can be considered inaccurate, e.g. after analogy with next bars, but in a notation without octave sign, adopted in GE2, the mistake was consolidated in an indisputable manner.
category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources
issues: Errors in GE, GE revisions, EE inaccuracies
notation: Pitch
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