FED - Dubois copy

Publisher: E. Troupenas et Cie
Date: 1843-1848
Title: Sonate || Scherzo
Dedication: None

A pupil's copy of FE4 from a collection of Chopin's pieces belonging to his pupil, Camille O'Méara-Dubois. In this movement, FED includes entries in pencil, performed undoubtedly by Chopin, however, the majority of them does not concern the note text – they are characteristic fractions at the right-hand margin of the 2nd and 6th page of the Scherzo. The only sign, to which a musical meaning could be possibly ascribed, is a sign in bar 138, probably specifying the manner of the trill's beginning.

Original in: Bibliothèque Nationale de France, Paris
Shelf-mark: Rés. F. 980 (I.8)