FE2 - Second impression of FE

Publisher: E. Troupenas et Cie
Date: VI 1840
Plate number: T. 891
Title: Sonate
Dedication: None

A corrected impression of FE1, probably the first one that was commercially available. A possible date of preparation of FE2 can be determined by taking into account the fact that on 10th June the English publisher registered in London his edition of the work, which, in order to guarantee his editorial rights, must have taken place before the Sonata had been placed on the market in France. On the other hand, it was in Troupenas's interest to quickly start selling the publication which was being prepared, hence the registration of EE1 was probably related to a signal that the Parisian edition was ready for sale. The EE1 itself did not have to, and rather was not, finished at that time, because it was based on a copy of FE2 corrected by Chopin.

The corrections concerned the most critical errors and oversights, found as a result of comparison with the base text, i.e. [A] (in particular all – except for bar 28 – mentioned in the characterization of FE1). Chopin's participation in this proofreading seems to be highly unlikely.

Not all mistakes were removed in the proofreading of FE2. Copies of this impression served for two authorial proofreadings, on the basis of which FE3 and EE1 were developed. 

Original in: British Library, London
Shelf-mark: h.473.a.(5.)