GE5 - Fifth German edition

Publisher: Fr. Kistner
Date: ⇒1872
Title: Douze Grandes Etudes || No. 4
Dedication: SON AMI F. LISZT

The fifth German edition mainly introduces minor changes to the text of GE4, often of a graphic nature, e.g., the arrangement of notes in the interval of second was changed (in GE4 the bottom note was generally on the left-hand side of the stem, in GE5 – on the right-hand side), the horizontal form of the  mark in bar 53 was reintroduced. Among the more significant changes, one has to mention a correction of the last two erroneous semiquavers in bar 64. The editors had to their disposal only the first book of GE5, including the Etudes Nos. 1-6.  

Original in: Jan Ekier private collection, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: None