EE3 - Revised impression of EE2

Publisher: Wessel & Co
Date: 1858
Title: Souvenir de la Pologne, | 4e. Recueil de Quatre Mazurkas, | No. 2
Dedication: Monsieur le Comte de Perthuis

Another print run of EE2 from 1858, in which a number of corrections and additions were made on the basis of GE1 or comparisons with similar fragments. Changes include adding L.H. slurs in bars 48-49 and analog. or   in bars 27 and 35; also, single articulation and dynamic marks were supplemented.

The presented copy comes from the reissue of EE3 with a modified title page, made around 1862 by Wessel's successors, the publishers Ashdown & Parry.

Original in: Cadbury Research Library Special Collections, University of Birmingham
Shelf-mark: q M 1010.C55