Graphic ambiguousness
Interpretations within context
Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
Corrections & alterations
Source & stylistic information
Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Verbal indications
Shorthand & other

b. 52-53

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt IV

Various accents in A, literal reading

Long accents in GE (→FE)

Short accents in EE

in IE


In A the accents differ significantly in terms of their size – the mark in bar 52 is a quite characteristic long accent, while the one in bar 53 corresponds to the atypical marks in bars 40-42. Taking into account the arguments presented there, in the main text we reproduce both as long accents. This is how they were interpreted by GE (→FE). The GE notation was distorted both by EE and IE, although each in a different way.

category imprint: Graphic ambiguousness; Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: Long accents , EE revisions , GE revisions , Inaccuracies in A ,

b. 54

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt IV

No marks in A

Long accents in GE (→FE,IE)

Short accents in EE

Long accents suggested by the editors


In the main text we suggest adding accents after the previous analogous phrases. Marks – long accents – were added already in GE (→FE,IE), and in EE they were reproduced as short accents.

category imprint: Differences between sources; Editorial revisions

issues: Long accents , GE revisions , EE inaccuracies

b. 56

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt IV

Wedge in A (→GEIE)

No mark in EE1

Staccato dot in FE & EE2


The missing wedge in EE1 is due to the engraver's mistake, corrected in EE2 by adding a staccato dot. This place could have been revised after comparing it with FE, in which such a mark was used, most probably by mistake.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Inaccuracies in FE , Errors in EE , Wedges

b. 57

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt IV

No slur in A (→GEEE,IE)

d3-c3 slur in FE


The additional FE slur could be a mistake or an erroneous revision – we know of similar situations in which engravers would add an allegedly missing slur/tie when a few notes of adjacent chords are combined by authentic slurs/ties, e.g. in the Mazurka in D, Op. 33 No. 3, bars 8-9 and 24-25 or in the Mazurka in B, Op. 41. No. 2, bars 4-5 and analog.
See also bar 61.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: FE revisions

b. 57

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt IV


In the main text we add a cautionary  to c3.

category imprint: Editorial revisions