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composition: Op. 12, Variations in B♭ major


We add a cautionary  before e1 in the main text.

category imprint:

b. 1

composition: Op. 12, Variations in B♭ major

 in FE & EE

in GE


In FE we can see here a "zf" marking, which is most probably a distorted version of , which Chopin used most frequently. We reproduce zf only in the graphic transcription (as it is unseen in musical notation), replacing it by  in the content transcription. Such a change was also introduced by EE, while in GE it was replaced by , which was used more frequently. 

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Inaccuracies in FE , GE revisions

b. 5

composition: Op. 12, Variations in B♭ major


The missing  raising e1 to e1 in FE must be an oversight – by FE or by Chopin. It was corrected both in GE and EE.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Errors in FE , GE revisions , Omission of current key accidentals

b. 7-13

composition: Op. 12, Variations in B♭ major

7 wedges in b. 7-13 in FE

7 dots in b. 7-13 in GE

6 wedges in b. 7-12 in EE


Two types of staccato markings, wedges and dots, present in FE (→EE), very typical of Chopin in that period, were reduced to dots in GE (in the entire Variations). According to us, it is unlikely that this change could have been encouraged by Chopin – it was rather the engraver: he made his task easier by using only one type of markings. Therefore, in the main text we keep the wedges present in FE; as the change concerns all wedges, we consider the GE dots together as one variant, on this page encompassing 7 marks in bars 7-8 and 11-13. The absence of the mark in bar 13 is most probably an oversight by the EE engraver.
See also bar 10 in which the FE wedges probably resulted from a misinterpretation of the Chopinesque manuscript.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions , EE inaccuracies

b. 7

composition: Op. 12, Variations in B♭ major

3 fingering digits in FE (→GE)

5 digits in EE

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions