GE1 - First German edition
Publisher: | Les Fils de B. Schott |
Date: | VII 1868 |
Plate number: | 19551 |
Title: | Valse |
Dedication: | None |
GE1 is based on PE1, which is evidenced by the high degree of convergence between the texts and by the preserved basis for this edition in the form of a test copy of PE1 with annotations by the reviser of GE1.
In GE1 some actual or alleged defects of PE1 were corrected:
- a
was added in bar 3 and 115,
- articulation markings were added, e.g. staccato dots in bar 9, 36-37, 122, L.H. slur in bar 122,
- the treble clef in bar 54 was moved to the right place,
- the versions of bar 92 and 92/116 were standardised,
- the
in bar 95 was moved,
- the Terzverschreibung in bar 111/135 was corrected,
- the overlooked
in bar 125 was added,
- the R.H. part was complemented with a rest in bar 143.
However, the edition is not free from errors – the mark was placed in bar 108/132 instead of a bar earlier, while the accents in bars 125-127 were erroneously assigned to the R.H.
Undoubtedly, the most significant intervention by the reviser of GE1 was the change of the chord at the beginning of bar 90, 92 and their repetitions; according to us, the reviser guessed correctly Chopin's intention.
The copy presented in mUltimate Chopin comes from about 1875, which is indicated by the cover details.*
* Information after the Annotated Catalogue Online.
Original in: | The Fryderyk Chopin Institute Library, Warsaw |
Shelf-mark: | 3933/n |