FC - Fontana's copy

Date: (1837)
Title: Quatre Mazurka
Dedication: None

Fontana's copy, prepared on the basis of the lost autograph [A]. After Chopin had introduced changes and complemented it, FC served as the basis for GE1. The Chopinesque interventions include, among others:

  • added pedalling in bars 5-8, 19-20, 35-38, 41-64, 101-106, 109-116;
  • added long accents in bar 39, 101 and 103, 113 and 133-136;
  • added dynamic markings – cresc. - - -  – in bars 69-73,  in bar 101,  and  in bar 113 and 117,  in bar 133;
  • the slur in bars 100-101 was prolonged; the division of the slur in bar 136 was marked;
  • the chord at the beginning of bar 101 was replaced with single C;
  • addition of poco stretto - - e - in bars 125-128, slentando in bars 136-137.

Among the unquestionable mistakes by Fontana in FC we can mention the superfluous dot prolonging the second f1 note in bar 48 or the omission of the g1 minim and its tie in bars 53-54. We also consider the absent or invisible c1 notes in the L.H. chords in bars 127-129 to be a mistake.

In addition to engraving marks, natural in a manuscript serving as a basis for an edition, in FC one can also see in many places additions performed by a foreign hand (in pencil), mainly accidentals, both necessary and cautionary. They were most probably made by the reviser (engraver?) of GE1, since all were included in that edition. In this Mazurka it is, e.g. a  to G in bar 4, naturals to a1(2) in bar 7, 9, 15, 23, 25, 27 and to b1 in bar 13. We do not include these marks into the text of FC. In bar 136, in the place where Chopin marked the division of a continuous slur written by the copyist, the reviser deleted (rightly) the fragment of the initial slur that was intended to be removed but was not deleted.

Original in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: Mus. 219