EE1 - First English edition

Publisher: Wessel & Co.
Date: XI 1837
Plate number: W & Co. No 2170.
Title: Souvenir de la Pologne. Quatre Mazurkas
Dedication: Madame la Princesse de Wurtemberg née Princesse Czartoryska

EE1 reproduces the text of FE with minimal changes. Chopin did not participate in its preparation. A few defects were corrected:

  • the incomplete slurs between bars 25-26 were completed,
  • the missing flats to c(1) in bar 36 were added,
  • the erroneous quaver was changed to a semiquaver in bar 59.

The unnecessary cautionary  to g1 in bar 86 was also removed.

By contrast, the attention is drawn to a patent mistake in bar 57, in which the literally interpreted 2nd and 3rd crotchets in the L.H. are g-b-e1 instead of g-b-e1.

Moreover, as was the case with other opuses of Mazurkas, the authentic title was preceded by the arbitrary phrase Souvenir de la Pologne.

Original in: New York Public Library, Music Division
Shelf-mark: Mus. Res. *MYD Chopin