FC - Fontana's copy

Date: (1837)
Title: Quatre Mazurka
Dedication: None

Fontana's copy, made on the basis of the lost autograph [A]. After Chopin had introduced changes and complemented it, FC served as the basis for GE1. The Chopinesque interventions include:

  • added pedalling in bars 29-39
  • added or corrected range of the dynamic hairpins in bar 19, 43-4447-48, 87-89;
  • corrected erroneous notes in the chords in bar 30;
  • added staccato dots in bars 31-39 (probably);
  • added various performance indications, e.g.  and slentando in bar 75

Fontana committed a few mistakes in this Mazurka, mainly oversights, the most significant of which seems to be the omission of the L.H. chord on the 3rd beat of bar 55.

In addition to engraving marks, in FC one can see in many places additions performed by a foreign hand, in pencil or crayon. They were most probably made by the reviser (engraver?) of GE1, since all were included in that edition. The additions mainly concern accidentals, both necessary and cautionary, e.g. flats to g2 and e2 in bar 19, to g2 in bar 23 (crossed out), to d2 in bar 27 or 35 or naturals to c2 in bar 31 and 39. Moreover, in this Mazurka a slur was added over bars 27-28 as well, and the erroneous d1 note in bar 51 was deleted. We do not regard these markings as belonging to the text of FC.

Original in: Biblioteka Narodowa, Warsaw
Shelf-mark: Mus. 219