Graphic ambiguousness
Interpretations within context
Differences between sources
Editorial revisions
Corrections & alterations
Source & stylistic information
Articulation, Accents, Hairpins
Verbal indications
Shorthand & other

b. 2-8

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt IV

Arpeggio signs in A (→GEFE,IE) & EE2

No signs in EE1


In EE1 these bars include only 2 arpeggio marks, at the beginning of bar 6 and 8. The engraver's patent oversight was corrected in EE2.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions , Errors in EE

b. 2-12

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt IV


In the ascending passages in bar 2, 4, 10 and 12 Chopin entered accidentals into A only in the first half of each bar, considering them valid also later on in the bar, next to notes placed an octave or two octaves higher. All the necessary accidentals were added in GE (→FE,EE,IE).

category imprint: Interpretations within context; Differences between sources

issues: Accidentals in different octaves , GE revisions , Inaccuracies in A

b. 2

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt III

No slurs in sources

Slurs suggested by the editors


According to us, the absence of slurs is rather Chopin's inadvertence than an interpretative nuance. Therefore, in the main text we add slurs modelled after bar 1.

category imprint: Editorial revisions

b. 2-4

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt II

Slurs to b in A

Slurs to c1 in GE (→FE,EE,IE)


The shorter R.H. slurs in bar 2 and 4 resulted from arbitrary decisions by the GE engraver (→FE,EE,IE), who standardised the slurs concerning the left- and right-hand motifs, which seems justified. However, the A notation is exceptionally precise and consistent, hence we keep it in the main text, although in this context both versions indicate the same performance, according to us.
See also bar 11. 

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: GE revisions

b. 2-4

composition: (Op. 4), Sonata in C minor, Mvt IV

No fingering in A (→GEFE,IE)

Fingering in b. 2 & 4 in EE


In EE the Sonata was edited by Brinley Richards; among others, he developed the fingering. We do not include his fingering version in the main text, as it is obviously inauthentic, while in the EE transcriptions we reproduce it using a smaller font in italics, reserved for fingering digits added by editors.

In many places, e.g. in bar 16, the fingering was complemented or changed in EE2.

On each page of the transcription, the notes concerning this fingering version can be found by selecting the "Fingering" tab from the "Notation" list.

category imprint: Differences between sources

issues: EE revisions