GE1 - First German Edition

Publisher: Breitkopf & Härtel
Date: V 1836
Plate number: 5666
Title: Deux Nocturnes||Nocturne I
Dedication: dédiés à Madame la Comtesse d'Appony

GE1 was based on [A] and served as a basis for FE1. There are copies with different covers and printing methods. In a lithographic version, available from around mid 1860s, there are few inaccuracies, mainly meaningless, the most significant one being the omission of a L.H. slur in bars 50-51. We do not consider these copies to be separate sources. The different details occurring there are retained in GE2, and—when justified—discussed while commenting on that source.

GE1 shows numerous irregularities in the notation of rhythm – short rhythmic values in  or  and their derivatives co-occurring with quaver triplets in the other voice are placed in the manner that contradicts either the generally adopted principles (quavers in bars 29-36), or the convention used by Chopin (semiquavers, e.g. in bars 5-13 and 37-45).

The absence of [A] makes it impossible for us to compare GE1 with its base text, yet we may suspect that the approach adopted here is similar to that in the Nocturne in D flat major no. 2. Chopin's proofing was probably very perfunctory, and it is difficult to determine the scope of the editorial revision here. This makes one cautious when interpreting certain signs and markings, such as:

  • staccato signs – in [A] some of them could be wedges, not dots;
  • accents – in the notation of the Nocturne Chopin probably used both short and long accents, while GE1 only has short ones;
  • slurs and dynamic hairpins – their scopes were usually made to match the rhythmic groupings to which they related (most often beams), sometimes clearly against Chopin's notation (cf. Nocturne in D flat major no. 2, e,g, slurs in bar 15 or  in bar 47).
Original in: Muzeum Fryderyka Chopina, Warszawa
Shelf-mark: 2444/n